Steampunk: análisis del carácter crítico de sus producciones objetuales

  • Martín Tisera
Keywords: Steampunk ; Science Fiction ; Criticism


In this paper we address the genealogy of this concept that seeks to contextualize the works that take place in the future imagined by the science fiction writers Jules Verne and H. G. Wells, in the late nineteenth century. Turned into a subculture in the 1990s, Steampunk recovers for its aesthetics elements of the Victorian machine. This procedure can be observed today, and increasingly so, in the different fields of visual production. The analysis aims to analyse the ways in which some of the objects produced by this subculture acquire a critical dimension.


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How to Cite
Tisera, M. (2020). Steampunk: análisis del carácter crítico de sus producciones objetuales. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (119).