Internet y Fanfiction: la práctica de la (hiper)lectura y la (hiper)escritura

  • Luis Mario Reyes Pérez Silva
Keywords: Internet ; Hypernarrative ; Multinarrative ; Interface; Hyperwriter


In terms of fanfiction, the hyperwriter uses the Internet as a platform for creation and recreation. The concepts of multinarrative and hypernarrative are essential for the fanfiction phenomena. The fanfiction phenomena is based on the reading process, in those people we call readers, as I may say: hyperreaders. This article is based on the reading and the writing process made by the hyperwriters. They will build an infinite, “chaotic” and a simultaneous network of hypertexts in the cyberspace.


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How to Cite
Reyes Pérez Silva, L. M. (2020). Internet y Fanfiction: la práctica de la (hiper)lectura y la (hiper)escritura. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (124).