Watchmen: héroes y terapia del shock. Un diálogo entre Damon Lindelof y Alan Moore

  • Roberto Bartual
Keywords: American Comic ; Watchmen ; Transmediality ; Neoliberalism ; Anarchism ; Alan Moore


The article aims to establish a dialogue between Watchmen, the comic by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, and its television sequel, produced under the creative direction of Damon Lindelof. This dialogue is established on the political content of both works, specifically in their critique of neoliberalism as a political and economic regime. We argue that the thematic and narrative space of both the comic and the series is similar because both construct their narration as a critique of this set of ideas, and that their differences stem from the way in which they link and comment on the changes experienced by neoliberalism over 30 years. Finally, we propose an anarchist interpretation of both works.


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How to Cite
Bartual , R. (2021). Watchmen: héroes y terapia del shock. Un diálogo entre Damon Lindelof y Alan Moore. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (125).