Narrar como un devenir río. Experimentos narrativos en “Sátira Latina” de Mariana Paraizo

  • Jorge Sánchez
Keywords: Latin American comics ; Brazilian comics ; Experimentation ; Narrative ; Memory ; Time; Comic ; Sequence


The purpose of this article is to describe the narrative strategies that are used in “Sátira Latina” by Mariana Paraizo (2015) as an example of a narrative that disorganizes teleological historical time. Based on the analysis of the use of vignettes and the intertextual connections with news and satirical genres, it is justified that the comic presents an experimental narrative with a style that, rather than using sequences, problematizes the very idea of visual sequentiality at the time of triggering acts of subjective memory that stress official facts.


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How to Cite
Sánchez, J. (2021). Narrar como un devenir río. Experimentos narrativos en “Sátira Latina” de Mariana Paraizo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (125).