Islas de diseño: 3Re, una versión de sostenibilidad aplicada a pequeñas y medianas empresas fabricantes de calzado en la provincia de Tungurahua

  • Edisson Viera Alulema
Keywords: sustainable design ; sustainable development ; sustainability ; circular economy ; creative economy


 In this age of crisis and uncertainty, the design has to propose, in present and future, a reflection thinking in the perspectives of science, technology, economy, production, and ecology. The new scenarios of global growth pose a cultural structure from the project to the real world by associating object-user-nature. This plans society wellness under the statement of Brundtland Commission (1987).

The satisfaction of necessities is argued in the economic speeches from two approaches: development and sustainability. The argumentation of the last has two reasonable doubts: an antieconomic growth due to an infinite growth in a finite system, and on the other hand the social inequality in wealth distribution. This proposal of Design Islands breaks routines towards more collective ways, from social innovation syncing individual, social, and environmental interests in 3Re: Re-discover, Re-organize, and Re-engineer. The Design Islands establish certainty via a sustainable design model to improve the quality of life from managing social innovation in production systems, solving problems and creating meaning towards an ecology of relationships between people and their environment.

From this context, we propose the 3Re as an approach for small and medium footwear manufacture companies in Tungurahua province in which 70% of Ecuadorian footwear is manufactured, with a production of around 19 million of pairs of shoes in 2016. 


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How to Cite
Alulema, E. V. (2021). Islas de diseño: 3Re, una versión de sostenibilidad aplicada a pequeñas y medianas empresas fabricantes de calzado en la provincia de Tungurahua. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (126).