Hipermoda. Parte II. El entramado psicológico y social de la moda y el género, una perspectiva transdisciplinar

  • María Valeria Tuozzo
  • Natalia López
Keywords: Dress ; it ; I ; superego ; contextual practice ; gender ; body ; society ; fashion ; psychology


 In this text we intend to reflect on fashion and clothing from a psychological and sociological perspective. In response to a multidimensional world that questions us, we work from this transdisciplinary modality to account for the various aspects that characterize fashion and clothing. Dressing, following Johanne Entwistle, is a contextual bodily practice. Therefore, the main body of this act becomes the interface that relates the interior, the psychic aspects of the id and the superego, and that are covered with the clothes of the ego for their public and social presentation. From this singular act meanings and symbols become what we will address in this writing.


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How to Cite
Tuozzo , M. V., & López, N. (2021). Hipermoda. Parte II. El entramado psicológico y social de la moda y el género, una perspectiva transdisciplinar. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (127). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi127.4581