O. D. S. y su aplicación a la Industria Textil y de la Moda

  • Jorge Castro Falero
Keywords: Fashion System ; 2030 Agenda ; Sustainable Development ; environment ; emerging ; inclusion ; economy ; consumer ; market ; product


The content of this agenda includes very sensitive issues, especially for emerging economy countries, such as reducing inequalities in their variety of dimensions, generating inclusive economic development, incorporating the principles of responsible work for all, building sustainable cities, with production systems in harmony with the environment, striving for alliances between public and private actors in favor of sustained development. In this article we will analyze some of the SDGs created in said Agenda, and how the fulfillment of them and their goals positively influenced both economically, socially and environmentally, in industries such as textiles and fashion, which today it is in permanent attention due to its negative consequences, having to transform its entire system, which includes from the raw materials it extracts from nature, at the rate it does, its production process, the toxic products it uses, its polluting effects, non-responsible working conditions, irrational behavior by consumers of their products and the accumulation of wast


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How to Cite
Castro Falero, J. (2021). O. D. S. y su aplicación a la Industria Textil y de la Moda. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (127). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi127.4582