No moda. Hacia el Ecodiseño del vestir

  • Paola Cirelli
Keywords: Fashion ; design ; education ; fashion system ; sustainability


We are at a turning point in the history of the fashion system, established in 1850. Many events have happened and fashion has been the protagonist. Only 30 years ago, Design came to fashion, through the University, creating specific careers, where it would begin its transformation, little by little, with small steps, from individual actions, that professionals in clothing / fashion design, carried out in pursuit of an improvement in the sector. The year 2020 has been a historic moment for this system. The whole world has seen the consequences of taking this industry and this system that does not stop and has been denounced for years to the extreme. Can we build a new system? What elements is this fashion developing, for more than 150 years and still without question? Can design bring light to this practice and improve it? Consumers, designers and education are the key to this change.


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How to Cite
Cirelli, P. (2021). No moda. Hacia el Ecodiseño del vestir. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (128).