Hacia el diseño sostenible de una nueva longevidad

  • Diego Bernardini Zambrini
Keywords: New longevity ; Development ; Sustainability ; Design ; Older people ; Old age ; Quality of life ; Wellbeing ; Inter;American Convention for the Protection of Human Rights of Older People


 One of the major transformations of the first half of the new century in our societies will be the demographic transition. The increase in the number of elderly people is confronting us with new needs and demands from the hand of the most educated, richest and most communicated cohort of elderly in the history of humanity. Aspects such as health services, social protection, governance, human rights, sustainability, the economy and the labor market, or public policy itself, will be impacted by this new global and emerging market. To think of this new society is to think of a new paradigm: the new longevity. An approach from citizen empowerment towards institutions and different sectors and not from “top down” as the different theoretical frames of reference have always been.


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How to Cite
Bernardini Zambrini, D. (2021). Hacia el diseño sostenible de una nueva longevidad. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (128). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi128.4861