Sostenibilità e moda: una prospettiva italiana

  • Ida Palombella
Keywords: sustainability ; consumption ; business model ; green patents ; certification marks ; intellectual property ; consumers ; research and development


The current pandemic is shifting consumers’ attention towards the adoption of a more sustainable attitude in their consumption choices. Lacking of a specific international and domestic regulation concerning sustainability, it is often the same companies, or companies associations, such as the Italian National Chamber of Fashion, to adopt self-regulations to ensure the development of a more sustainable business model. In this respect, intellectual property is a key to distinguish a sustainable business, on the one hand for the research and development activities that lead to the filing of green patents; on the other, through the identification of sustainable features of products and services identified by certification marks.


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How to Cite
Palombella, I. (2021). Sostenibilità e moda: una prospettiva italiana. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (128).