Marketing de diseño sostenible. Un caso práctico: nueva identidad de marca de la Denominación de Origen Manchuela (España)

  • Francisco José Torreblanca Díaz
  • Francisco Javier Lorente Sanjuán
Keywords: Denomination of Origin Manchuela ; Spain;wine of influence ; brand identity ; sustainable design marketing ; sense of belonging ; brand strategy ; competitive advantage


Today, brands have the opportunity to win the hearts of consumers by adding value. Specifically, landmarks count as a fundamental variable the generation of a strong sense of belonging to one’s own geographical location. For a brand of territory, positively impacting its society, in a concrete and transparent way, is a great challenge that projects a better perception of its image internally, which will be the main foundation when doing so externally. Therefore, sustainable design marketing acquires a special relevance, since a perfect identity must be achieved with the specific values of the territory, without forgetting sustainability aspects that can be projected in the brand.


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How to Cite
Torreblanca DíazF. J., & Lorente Sanjuán, F. J. (2021). Marketing de diseño sostenible. Un caso práctico: nueva identidad de marca de la Denominación de Origen Manchuela (España). Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (128).