Acción por el Clima: Emprendedores Sostenibles (ODS 12 Producción y Consumo Responsable)

  • Analia Lourdes Pastran
Keywords: Entrepreneurship ; Sustainability ; SDG ; Climate Change ; COVID 19 ; Responsible Consumption ; Responsible Production ; Urban Economy


 Throughout this work we address the concept of Sustainable Entrepreneurship that arises from Social Entrepreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals in a context of major global crises and emergencies such as Climate Change and COVID-19, and relates as well with the change in the paradigm of consumption in which millennials and centennials seek to buy products made in a responsible way and that have the least possible impact on the ecosystem. We will provide examples of successful stories of sustainable entrepreneurs at a global level and the opportunities that this new form of business offers. We’ll also make reference to the importance of teaching this new business model in universities, particularly in business schools, a model that is conscious and responsible with the environment and that responds to the need for an urban economy that provides concrete development solutions for the community in which it is inserted and the city we need.


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How to Cite
Pastran, A. L. (2021). Acción por el Clima: Emprendedores Sostenibles (ODS 12 Producción y Consumo Responsable). Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (128).