Pacto . Un trasteo que se desvanece

  • Sara Crsitina Dousdebés Montaña
Keywords: Photographic document ; Photographic evidence ; Staging ; Narrative ; Melodrama ; Memory


Pact aims to investigate an alternative narrative of my childhood, as a result of the disappearance of a photograph in a diary that my parents wrote for me, a fragment of their love story loss its veracity. This event triggered an investigation into the usefulness of an image to legitimate an idea of home through representation, a promise or Pact –the concept that gave name to the project– that is not fulfilled, the nostalgic memory of a family portrait that doesn’t happen to be real, the photography that disappears ends up representing the core of the fracture, and a found photography helps me present the fading of the whole narrative.


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How to Cite
Dousdebés Montaña, S. C. (2021). Pacto . Un trasteo que se desvanece. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (129).