Contribuciones inalienables: algunas reflexiones sobre las condiciones de posibilidad para la reevaluación de la evidencia etnográfica

  • Gabriel D. Noel
Keywords: Annete Weiner ; Anthropological Theory ; Ethnography ; Restudies


The arguments deployed by Annette Weiner in Inalienable Possessions, her most important theoretical achievement, are based on the reevaluation of ethnographic evidence of certain classical anthropological sites, works and perspectives from the standpoint of her own fieldwork and the mobilization of contemporary concepts and analytical categories. Beyond well-known debates about certain famous “restudies” from the history of our discipline, systematic (re)evaluation of ethnographic arguments akin to that undertaken by Weiner are still more the exception than the rule in the practice of our craft, usually too eager to replace reexamination of the evidence with trivial presentisms, naïve paralogisms and factious feints. On that basis, the current text intends to use Weiner’s book as a starting point to reflect on the conditions of possibility of a rigourous (re)evaluation of ethnographic evidence, as well as those related to the production of ethnographic texts that open themselves to the possibility of further revaluation.


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How to Cite
Noel, G. D. (2021). Contribuciones inalienables: algunas reflexiones sobre las condiciones de posibilidad para la reevaluación de la evidencia etnográfica. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (131).