Diseño para la eco-innovación: hacia un mejor escenario futuro basado en el alineamiento de la investigación impulsada por el diseño
Currently, an innovation process is not understood that does not take into account the economic, social and environmental impact that may derive from its implementation. Design as an agent of innovation in sociocultural practices can facilitate the change and transformation necessary for the future to be sustainable, fair and prosperous for the planet and its communities. However, identifying the contribution of the design requires determining the principles, criteria and methodological components that must be activated, and putting them into action through a method that addresses the process co-creatively, from the identification of the problem or opportunity, the ideation of the possible solution answers until the award of competitive funds for the implementation of the project. The research was carried out in the context of an international research cooperation program, funded by public and private institutions, which generated proposals for design-driven research projects, specifically aligned with the priority axis “Green growth and sustainability” of the Strategy. Smart Specialization of the Canary Islands 2014-2020. The authors systematized the results from an applied research and single-case design perspective and as a result present a methodology and a toolkit for aligning design-driven research with territorial research and innovation policies. Finally, the authors, based on the results of the application, conclude that the development of a methodology that allows the alignment and activates the potential contributions of the design ecosystem with a specific territorial innovation system, has the benefits of expanding the opportunities for action of discipline, at the same time as contributing to the achievement of the strategic objectives for the sustainable development of the region.
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