Diseño Regenerativo y Economía Circular

  • Lorna Lares
  • Andreé Henríquez
Keywords: Industrial Design ; Regenerative Design ; Circular Economy ; Sustainable Development ; Inhabiting ; Sustainability ; Regenerative Culture


Humanity is facing profound challenges at the planetary level. Climate change, population growth and increasing social tensions are some of the aspects that, added to the global pandemic, are stressing all areas of life, especially about the recovery and regeneration of ecosystems. It is in this context that this article proposes a reflection on the link and opportunities that arise when integrating the concepts of Regenerative Design, Circular Economy, and Industry 4.0, emphasizing the role that designers should have in the process of production and consumption of goods and services for the recovery and regeneration at a global level.


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How to Cite
Lares, L., & Henríquez, A. (2021). Diseño Regenerativo y Economía Circular. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (134). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi134.5011