Los lenguajes de la tejuela de alerce y los territorios que no vemos

  • Pedro Pablo Achondo Moya
Keywords: larch shingle ; territory ; socio;environmental crisis ; temporalities ; languages


The article proposes, through a phenomenological reading of the larch shingle, new possibilities of understanding between human life and the other-than-human and their relations. The socio-environmental and epistemic crisis in which we are immersed, invite us to another thought about life. This reflection requires to reinterpret, with an intellectual courage, the materialities and the connections that build life on planet. The larch shingle, narrated in its multiple interactions and interpreted from its own languages (material, temporal and territorial) leads us -–amazingly– to a breadth of the thinking, feeling and knowing the entanglements between life and territory.


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How to Cite
Achondo Moya, P. P. (2021). Los lenguajes de la tejuela de alerce y los territorios que no vemos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (134). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi134.5014