El proyecto contemporáneo, entre la tradición y la vanguardia. Reflexiones desde la arquitectura

  • Florencio Compte Guerrero
Keywords: tradition ; avant;garde ; bamboo ; architectural space ; contemporary architecture


In the 2014 Pan-American Architecture Biennial of Quito, the jury awarded the First Prize to a small house built with bamboo in a rural area of the Province of Manabí. Two years later, the DLPM Cabañón, built using brick and bamboo, was awarded. This project was integrated into a cliff facing the sea, which reconfigures the concept of space by developing a ramp that becomes a playful place to inhabit. To these we must add the work of the Natura Futura, Frontera Sur and Al Borde collectives that are raising the need to reconcile the avant-garde and the recovery of tradition, both spatial and constructive. Something is changing in the architecture of the world and that change is taking place in the south of our continent.


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How to Cite
Compte Guerrero, F. (2021). El proyecto contemporáneo, entre la tradición y la vanguardia. Reflexiones desde la arquitectura. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (134). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi134.5015