La dimensón estética y semiótica en el diseño y su vínculo con el territorrio social

  • Claudio Cortés López
Keywords: philosophical aesthetic ; phenomenological aesthetics


 In ode fo thee to be a link between the aesthetic and semiotic dimension of design with the social teitoy, the fist thing that must be done is an aesthetic and semiotic education of the designe who is the poduce of the design object; With this it is possible to aspie fo this link to be effective and not just a theoetical question, undestanding that the design poduct is a gaphic o industial object, said object is intepeted by a use. Detemined, this aticle exploes this phenomenon fom a theoetical eflection and aims to claify fom an ontological, aesthetic and semiotic pespective the elationship between the design object in the social teitoy and the use. The poblem that aises in all of the above is the need fo a eflective taining in designe appentices that leads athe to an episteme of eflecting, athe than to a doxá o way of opinion. 


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How to Cite
Cortés López, C. (2021). La dimensón estética y semiótica en el diseño y su vínculo con el territorrio social. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (134).