Ver no siempre es creer: el uso juvenil de Instagram como canal de información y noticias falsas sobre COVID-19

  • Raquel Tarullo
  • Yanina Frezzotti
Keywords: youth ; social media ; Instagram ; COVID19 ; information ; fake news ; informative sources


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the circulation of informative and disinformation content increased while the use of social media as sources of information deepened. In this context, the following research applied digital surveys (N = 349) to university students from central Argentina with the aim of knowing their news consumption, attitudes and perceptions in relation to content about COVID-19 on Instagram. The results showed that, for the most part, the youth studied maintain a critical attitude towards information: they access the news through various channels, trust little, contrast a lot and they feel with tools to recognize fake news.


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How to Cite
Tarullo, R., & Frezzotti, Y. (2021). Ver no siempre es creer: el uso juvenil de Instagram como canal de información y noticias falsas sobre COVID-19. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (136).