Diseño SOS(tenible) 2021: sostenibilidad, discusión y vinculación con actores relevantes

  • María Regina Alfaro Maselli
  • Gloria Carolina Escobar Guillén
Keywords: sustainable design ; virtuality ; sustainability ; teaching ; industrial design ; collaborative work


Diseño SOS(tenible) 1st edition, it was held from February 15 to 19, 2021. The event serves as a complementary academic space, in virtual mode, which proved to facilitate the international participation of speakers and participants, a factor that enriched the quality of the academic event exploring industrial design and sustainability. The impact of this event transcends the teaching of a topic and becomes a successful case of collaborative work between teachers, students and different units of the Rafael Landívar University. The synergy and integration of the different courses is an experience that allowed the actors to explore sustainability from different perspectives in an interactive environment.


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How to Cite
Alfaro Maselli, M. R., & Escobar Guillén, G. C. (2021). Diseño SOS(tenible) 2021: sostenibilidad, discusión y vinculación con actores relevantes. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (137). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi137.5057