La investigación para el diseño y cómo enfrentar al Covid-19

  • Salvador E. Valdovinos-Rodríguez
Keywords: Research for design ; research teaching ; Covid-19 ; design process ; design workshops


This project explores the field of research for design as one of the activities that graphic designers can train with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to help understand the new context and facilitate human activities in adapting to the new reality, new culture, new ways of doing things and new connections between objects and their meanings. Research must be learned with didactic strategies that bring students closer to the user and their context so that they acquire an updated and accurate vision of the evolution of society.


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How to Cite
Valdovinos-Rodríguez, S. E. (2021). La investigación para el diseño y cómo enfrentar al Covid-19. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (137).