Las memorias de la militancia peronista de los ’70 en Argentina: una aproximación desde el cine documental producido entre 2003 y 2016

  • Cecilia Carril
Keywords: peronism ; militancy ; documentary cinema ; identification processes ; memory


Peronism never ceased to be a source of inspiration for theatrical, literary and cinematographic works, and in the Argentina of the early 2000s it reappeared in the field of documentary cinema as an aesthetic-political experience. After the 2001 crisis, numerous filmmakers and groups of filmmakers produced and circulated audiovisuals that narrate various aspects of recent history. Particularly since 2003 and within the framework of certain public policies on human rights and the promotion of audiovisual production, we find a large production of documentary film that thematizes aspects related to the history of Peronism (its emblematic figures, the coup ‘ 55, the Peronist resistance, the militancy of the 70s, the legacies and myths of the movement).This work focuses its gaze on a group of documentaries that address the Peronist militancy of the 70s, investigating the discursive, expressive and reflective resources used in these audiovisual productions, and trying to account for the ways in which audiovisual discourses and representations participate in the constitution of the discursive field of the political. Through this study, an attempt is made to assess the contributions of documentary cinema to understand what the Peronist militancy of the ‘70s is and has been in the voice and bodies of those people who at some point in their history identified with it. The questions that run through the analysis are: In what way is the group of political identification represented? What discursive and rhetorical strategies are used to construct alterity and the figures of adversaries? What meanings of people, nation and country circulate in these film representations? How are political and socioeconomic transformations in the context of production and circulation manifested in filmic representations?


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How to Cite
Carril, C. (2021). Las memorias de la militancia peronista de los ’70 en Argentina: una aproximación desde el cine documental producido entre 2003 y 2016. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (138).