Tradición, vanguardia y glocalización: investigación y reflexiones sobre artesanía contemporánea desde la Cátedra de Innovación en Artesanía

  • Ana García López
Keywords: research ; glocalization ; transdisciplinarity ; innovation ; knowledge transfer


The COVID-19 crisis of 2020 has positioned us squarely in front of what was already argued as a paradigm shift in the craft sector that is forced to identify those development opportunities that were already pending to be resolved. Research from the university is key to push the craft to the forefront, connecting in a glocal way the identity of communities (think global, act local), transdisciplinarity and knowledge transfer to the social and business fabric, under paradigms of circular economy and sustainability. The University of Granada, with the creation of the Chair of Innovation in Crafts, Design and Art, assumes the research in crafts, providing a great source of innovation to the crafts sector, in knowledge transfer and R&D from different areas of knowledge.


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How to Cite
García López, A. (2021). Tradición, vanguardia y glocalización: investigación y reflexiones sobre artesanía contemporánea desde la Cátedra de Innovación en Artesanía. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (141).