Cruces entre arte contemporáneo y artesanía: la utilización del repujado de estaño y la fabricación de exvotos en el campo de la pintura expandida

  • Belén Mazuecos Sánchez
Keywords: contemporary art ; crafts ; tin embossing ; votive offerings ; artistic project ; hybridisation


Cultural transfers between contemporary art and crafts have led to the proliferation of artistic projects that resort to the syncretism of techniques and materials. This article analyses the author’s artistic production based on the technique of tin embossing and inspired by the manufacture of votive offerings, a widespread phenomenon in Catholic and Protestant countries, Andalusia being one of the regions of Spain with the highest incidence. Several works are presented in which this tradition is reinterpreted, generating a new symbolic universe with handmade votive offerings.


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How to Cite
Mazuecos Sánchez, B. (2021). Cruces entre arte contemporáneo y artesanía: la utilización del repujado de estaño y la fabricación de exvotos en el campo de la pintura expandida. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (141).