Estrategias de inclusión a través del arte y la artesanía en colectivos de mujeres. Una visión crítica

  • María Jesús Cano Martínez
  • César González-Martín
Keywords: craft ; social inclusion ; women ; gender ; stereotypes


Crafts present an ideal working space for the development of inclusive projects aimed at groups of vulnerable women or those at risk of social exclusion, where community work, capacity building, empowerment and sisterhood, as well as their professional development, are made possible. In this study we will look at craft disciplines linked to women’s collectives, observing a majority of proposals oriented towards historically feminised trades, which produces a paradox as it facilitates the integration of women while continuing to establish gender stereotypes that favour horizontal segregation.


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How to Cite
Cano Martínez, M. J., & González-Martín, C. (2021). Estrategias de inclusión a través del arte y la artesanía en colectivos de mujeres. Una visión crítica. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (141).