Consideraciones dialógicas de los contenidos físicos museísticos convertidos en formatos virtuales a través del diseño

  • Erika Mayoral
Keywords: Dialogic ; Museology ; Design ; Virtuality ; Integration ; Interaction


Today museum’s exhibitions provide stories with a beginning, a development to reach an end, this facilitates the understanding of a narrative that was previously delimited to have a solid curatorial argument. Both the reading and the thematic content of the museums are possible aspects to be perceived in the exhibition’s discourses presented with routes that include multiple objects together with analog and digital audiovisual supports. Through a great museological work, these enclosures enable spaces for their visitors to experience in different ways the story they wish to give and one of their great allies has been design by synthesizing stories and information in an effective way with time lines for example. Such dialogic relationship has had to be expanded to create virtual museums and exhibitions so by clicking on a computer or cell phone it is possible to take a tour of national and international exhibitions. This has given immense challenges for the physical museum’s stories could set down on web pages with attractive designs and digital supports that have evolved along with technology itself.


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How to Cite
Mayoral, E. (2021). Consideraciones dialógicas de los contenidos físicos museísticos convertidos en formatos virtuales a través del diseño. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (143).