Pierre Bourdieu: Una mirada etnográfica Aportes al diseño sobre la cultura material y la educación

  • Patricia Vargas
  • Laura Colabella
Keywords: Pierre Bourdieu ; Design ; Social Classes ; Education


The Research Project 15.1 is a tribute to the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, one of the most cited authors in the social sciences, through articles by Argentine researchers that take up books or specific concepts of the author, a tribute to rethink their own themes of investigation. Specifically, the Bourdieu contributions are recovered from a conceptual and methodological perspective, with special emphasis on field work and the process of reflexivity, in empirical and / or ethnographic investigations, which account for the contribution of Pierre Bourdieu in his production processes of social knowledge, particularly in the fields of Design, education and social classes.


How to Cite
Vargas, P., & Colabella, L. (2021). Pierre Bourdieu: Una mirada etnográfica Aportes al diseño sobre la cultura material y la educación. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (145). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi145.5198

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