Catálogo de Tesis de Posgrado 4°Edición: Ciclo 2012-2013 Sistematización Documental de Producción de Tesis de Posgrado en Diseño

  • Fabiola Knop
Keywords: knowledge ; culture ; design ; education ; research ; methodology ; projects ; Thesis


Research Project 16.4 presents -the 2012-2013 Cycle thesis works- whose articulation accounts for the extensive and qualified scientific work that the Faculty of Design and Communication of the University of Palermo proposes, in a classification of the Theses presented and approved during the different academic cycles. He has organized the academic production in seven Thematic Lines: 1. Companies and brands, 2. Media and communication strategies, 3. New technologies, 4. New professionals, 5. Design and production of objects, spaces and images, 6. Pedagogy of design and communications and 7. History and trend. Theses must demonstrate skill in conceptual and methodological management, corresponding to the current state of knowledge of the discipline. The purpose of the Master Thesis work is to ensure that the teacher develops academic skills and abilities that allow the identification and diagnosis of specific problems within their area of competence, evidencing a critical and innovative attitude. The guiding idea is to demonstrate, through study or written research, the clarity and formal requirements of the investigated area and the postgraduate level that the Master's degree implies. The Master in Design has been dictated since 2001, promoting professionals in the field of design a complete training in methodological, technical and operational aspects leading to greater disciplinary integration.


How to Cite
Knop, F. (2021). Catálogo de Tesis de Posgrado 4°Edición: Ciclo 2012-2013 Sistematización Documental de Producción de Tesis de Posgrado en Diseño. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (145).

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