Análisis de la comunicación gráfica del grupo de Rock fusión bogotano “Calle e la belleza”

  • Laura Camila Bautista Bautista
Keywords: graphic communication ; discourse ; symbolic structure ; analysis ; society


This article will reflect on the findings of the research carried out on the analysis of the form of graphic communication of the Bogota Rock fusion group “Calle e la belleza”, from its birth in 2014 to 2020. The choice of this group is due to the fact that it can be observed how this type of music is closely related to urban youth culture, and how its graphic communication establishes its cultural identity through the exchange of knowledge, practices and representations about the daily reality of the city. The research carried out had a qualitative approach, since it analyzed reality in the natural context, interpreting from data collection, without numerical measurement. Assuming qualitative research requires not only understanding but also being able to capture details that might be irrelevant seen from other areas, that is, understanding that the other person or other people want to express through their words, their silence and actions, all through interpretation and dialogue. The main purpose of the research is to determine if the communicational process mediated by costumes, visual art, letters and graphic resources that the group raises, are in accordance with what it projects, from the appropriation and creation of fusion music to cultural development to make the symbolic structure and its own discourse a medium of expression.


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How to Cite
Bautista Bautista, L. C. (2021). Análisis de la comunicación gráfica del grupo de Rock fusión bogotano “Calle e la belleza”. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (147).