La Calle, un Territorio con otras prácticas, otros saberes y otros sentidos

  • Andrea Forero Hurtado
  • Andrés Torres Poveda
Keywords: territory ; street ; street habitability ; knowledge ; meanings ; narratives ; systematization


After an intervention by the Bogotá mayor's office in 2016 to an area of the city center, depressed by phenomena of drug trafficking, prostitution, misery and illegality, known as The Bronx or La Ele, actions were developed to care for the people who occupied the sector; some focused on art, such as the musical “Gloria, a song to life”. Hence the investigation “From the territory of the street to the territory of the theater scene”. The richness of the stories about the practices and knowledge of the street as a territory, that is, as a space for the construction of meanings, gave rise to this article. The main theme in this writing, before the theatrical event, is the phenomenon of street livability discovered through narratives and which prompted reflections and timid management proposals.


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How to Cite
Forero Hurtado , A., & Torres Poveda, A. (2021). La Calle, un Territorio con otras prácticas, otros saberes y otros sentidos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (147).