From light microscopy to X-ray microtomography: observation and analysis technologies in transdisciplinary approaches for bionic design and botany
Recent achievements in bioinspired designs closely follow growing advances in observation technologies which are essential for comprehending a biological structure or system and correctly adapting them in a project. Likewise, different areas of classical disciplines, such as plant sciences, are even being rewritten thanks to the progress of newer technologies. This paper addresses the impact the use of observation technologies has on the development of state-of-the-art botany research as well as its applications in bionic designs. From light microscopy (LM) to X-ray microtomography (µCT), we present examples of how multiple technologies are contributing to innovations and newer discoveries in plant morphology and anatomy, answering important questions about structure/ function. The evolution of observation technologies is discussed, showing how they are impacting the comprehension of multiple plant characteristics and their consequential adaptation and use in bioinspired projects by examples. Essentially, the transdisciplinary approach of connecting professionals from multiple fields is considered essential for the progress obtained both in bionics and botany. By including newer observation technologies in their research workflow, designers and botanists could benefit from different perspectives in the investigation and application of their findings.
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