Domos Modulares Interconectados de Progresión Continua (Domos Amopa)

  • Francisco Martínez Cendra
Keywords: Architecture ; Union of domes ; Interconnected geodesic domes ; Portuguese


Geodesic domes have been designed in various places, mainly based on polyhedral figures such as the Icosahedron. This supposes buildings with a circular plan that generally must act independently since the geometry of each element does not allow the union of domes unless the basic geometry is forced to achieve coupling these buildings as soap bubbles, where in which case various elements will have to be trimmed in order to achieve this union. This represents a structural problem that must be solved by means of elements other than the basic geometry of the dome and that somehow solve the trauma of having sectioned the structure into different parts. The objective of this article is to study an alternative design form that allows the union of domes without altering its own basic geometry.


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How to Cite
Martínez Cendra, F. (2021). Domos Modulares Interconectados de Progresión Continua (Domos Amopa). Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (149).