Viajar de chapéu: entre géneros, identidades, poder e moda

  • Cristina L. Duarte
Keywords: intersectionality ; identity ; self ; gender ; fashion ; media ; power and masculinities ; language ; cross-dressing


The hat allows us to travel between genders. The journey to which I refer is more than a figure of speech: hat will take us in our theoretical framework from sociology and fashion history, and gender studies. I’ll apply visual methodologies in this journey through the media print and new media, the history of fashion, and through the biographies of some tailors and fashion designers. My gender lab for fashion matters will begin in the figure of the dandy in the 19th century, as a form of knowledge about the self, the taste and critical view of visual language, up to our days, passing by the crossdressing phenomenon. In short, my approach of the gender lab of the clothing as gender identities transformer device, is what I’m interested in this research.


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How to Cite
Duarte, C. L. (2022). Viajar de chapéu: entre géneros, identidades, poder e moda. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (150).