Cartografía de una hibridación para desplazados: la obra de Lucy + Jorge Orta (1992-2012)

  • Dra. Ana Llorente Villasevil
Keywords: fashion design ; hybridization ; architectural design ; transdisciplinary ; refuge ; homelessness ; migration ; prototypes ; portable


This article aims to evaluate the approach to clothing design by the artistic tandem formed by Lucy and Jorge Orta for the development of prototypes of portable shelters that were born thirty years ago in order to cover refugee needs in situations of destitution and migration. The operational and functional basis of a work that was developed in parallel to an environment of reflection and action will be reviewed that, thanks to creators such as Tess Giberson, Vexed Generation or Hussein Chalayan, passed through the sphere of art, fashion and architecture through different performance parameters.


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How to Cite
Llorente Villasevil, D. A. (2022). Cartografía de una hibridación para desplazados: la obra de Lucy + Jorge Orta (1992-2012). Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (150).