El diseño como estrategia de desarrollo social del sector calzadista en pos pandemia

  • Jorge Luis Santamaría
  • Edisson Fernando Viera
Keywords: Design management ; development ; footwear ; process ; productivity


This article proposes a vision of the current and prospective situation of the development of the footwear sector in a post-pandemic environment, where markets, consumers and the productive sector are of vital importance for its development. The objective of the proposal is based on changes guided by design actions that contribute to productive improvement and the construction of a social conscience and consumer society. The arguments are born from the dialogue with experts and local and international associations who raised their points of view, these being analyzed and structured to achieve a perspective on the real problems and design actions that must be implemented.


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How to Cite
Santamaría, J. L., & Viera, E. F. (2022). El diseño como estrategia de desarrollo social del sector calzadista en pos pandemia. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (151). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi151.6670