Fashion Film, entre el cine y la moda

  • Sara Peisajovich
Keywords: fashion film ; cinema ; fashion, art ; communication ; artistic languages ; design


The art of cinematography provokes a singular relationship of cultural typification from which only few manage to detach themselves. From there, Fashion Film is configured in an artistic key combining certain classifications that include well-characteristic normative guidelines: short audiovisual cinematographic productions that show through image and sound concepts or aesthetics typical of clothing designers. All this carried out with the intention not only of publicizing or commercializing a certain collection, but with the aim of provoking feelings in those spectators to achieve their identification, in the best of cases.


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How to Cite
Peisajovich, S. (2022). Fashion Film, entre el cine y la moda. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (152).