Las Líneas de Investigación y sus Proyectos (Producciones y Resultados 2021)

  • Oscar Echevarría
Keywords: Design ; Research ; Memory ; Doctorate ; Master


This edition, which contains the first part of the 2021 Research Yearbook, is the fourth volume of the Memory of the Design Research Institute of the University of Palermo. The first part of the 2021 Research Yearbook contained in this 155th edition of Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño contains the Results of the Research Projects completed in 2021 and the Curriculums of the Evaluators Members of the External Evaluation Committee. The second part of the Yearbook contained in the 156th edition of Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño contains the opinions of the external evaluators of the Results of the Research Projects completed in 2021, a set of annexed documents produced by the Design Research Institute and the evaluations 2021 of the National University Evaluation and Accreditation Commission (Coneau) of the Argentine Republic of the Doctorate in Design and the Master's Degree in Design Management of the University of Palermo.


How to Cite
Echevarría, O. (2022). Las Líneas de Investigación y sus Proyectos (Producciones y Resultados 2021). Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (155).