Sostenibilidad y marcas: el progreso peruano en la industria de la moda

  • Oscar Caballero Hinostroza
Keywords: Trademarks ; Fashion ; Intellectual Property ; Industrial Property ; Perú ; clothing ; sustainable


Fashion has been present since people’s need to dress, and through this it’s a vehicle, an expression of people’s culture and values. However, Fashion Law is relatively new, but has grown by big steps adapting to the fashion industry from an interdisciplinary point of view, in which the cornerstone of development is Intellectual Property. That said, the present work carries out a study of the most important aspects to take into account one of the elements of Intellectual Property: trademarks, considered as the distinctive signs par excellence, from which the products and services of the entrepreneurs are distinguished from others in the market, being the first aspect to be known by consumers. Similarly, an approach is made to one of the fashion trends: sustainable fashion, as a turning point where other aspects within the fashion industry are taken into account: the environment, the way of production of clothing, the use of natural fibers and safeguards for labor rights and their conditions, among other substantive aspects of importance in the fashion industry. Finally, a sample of the impact of sustainable fashion in Peru is made, pointing out some sustainable fashion trademarks in our country, demonstrating the progress and Peruvian commitment in this sector of the fashion industry.


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How to Cite
Caballero Hinostroza, O. (2022). Sostenibilidad y marcas: el progreso peruano en la industria de la moda. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (154).