Miradas del patrimonio cultural y natural, el patrimonio como recurso de desarrollo de las comunidades. Aportes conceptuales a la Tesis doctoral: Tendencias sociales del diseño gráfico en Chile: Discursos sobre el patrimonio cultural, social y natural

  • Santiago Carvajal
  • Germán Santiago Pérez Soliz
  • Laura Judith Sandoval Sarmiento
Keywords: Heritage ; Natural heritage ; Cultural heritage ; Graphic design


Based on the doctoral research “Social trends in graphic design in Chile: Discourses on cultural, social and natural heritage” by Daniela Gonzalez Erber. This author recognizes that the discipline of graphic design is related to various social problems still to be resolved. In her thesis, she identifies and analyzes an oriented trend towards the cultural identity of a country or community through the rescue of cultural and natural heritages and a decrease in the attention to market needs. This essay seeks to contribute reflections on Natural Heritage from the relational perspective with culture and the international discourse around conservation and valuation of natural resources to Cultural Heritage. We will use Manzini´s views of design for innovation and Escobar´s ontological design; the identification and valuation of Heritage as a Development resource from and for communities and/or organizations.


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How to Cite
Carvajal, S., Pérez Soliz, G. S., & Sandoval Sarmiento, L. J. (2022). Miradas del patrimonio cultural y natural, el patrimonio como recurso de desarrollo de las comunidades. Aportes conceptuales a la Tesis doctoral: Tendencias sociales del diseño gráfico en Chile: Discursos sobre el patrimonio cultural, social y natural. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (159). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi159.6819