Sostenibilidad y el Diseño emocional como aliados en el ciclo de vida del producto

  • Horacio Iván Rodríguez Juarez
Keywords: Emotional design ; Sustainable development ; Sustainability ; Industrial design ; Life cycle ; Ecodesign


This publication seeks to contribute to the thesis of Dr. Miguel Higuera, a vision related to the emotional design of objects, establishing their relationship with sustainability, in order to establish a discourse focused on the value proposition of the product, attending to a sensory experience and the affective bond with it. Care for sustainable design takes on singular importance in the life cycle of the product, becoming the starting point of the creative process, from the way of designing objects, such as eco-design and environmental performance (Gaziulusoy, 2015), which neglects one of the social dimensions limiting the quality of the product, affecting its durability, its affective bond, and its sensory qualities that generate an emotional response in the user (Zarta, 2018), in addition, the creation of products that protect the environment and that are enduring.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Juarez, H. I. (2022). Sostenibilidad y el Diseño emocional como aliados en el ciclo de vida del producto. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (159).