La Madera en Arquitectura. Identificación y Caracterización de la Madera Estructural en el Ecuador

  • Luis Barrera Peñafiel
  • Ana Llerena Encalada
  • Diego Proaño Escandón
Keywords: biomaterial ; building material ; timber ; architecture ; design ; cataloging ; structure


The objective of this article is to generate conceptual contributions to analyze and characterize the use of wood as a bio-based material, based on the approach of Laranjeira & Menezes (2021). The authors focus their efforts on showing alternative solutions to the excessive consumption of textile materials and contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions. Under this perspective of sustainability, this work assumes the methodology and relates it to the field of architectural design and construction, through the revaluation of wood as a construction material, since it is “the only renewable natural resource endowed with structural properties and the only living element used in construction ”(Kottas, [2016] in (Espinosa et al., 2018, p. V)). Wood is analyzed based on the results obtained by Espinosa, et al. (2018) in the Catalog of structural woods of Ecuador, and depending on the knowledge of the characteristics and properties of the material, take advantage of and optimize its use within architecture.


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How to Cite
Barrera Peñafiel, L., Encalada, A. L., & Proaño Escandón, D. (2022). La Madera en Arquitectura. Identificación y Caracterización de la Madera Estructural en el Ecuador. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (159).