Transitioning Toward the Slow and Long: Developing Experiential Futures Approach Toward System Change in Fashion

  • Adam Cowart
  • Donna Maione
Keywords: Futures ; Fast fashion ; Experiential futures ; Transition design ; Prototype ;Fashion fiction ; Ecologies of interventions


Designing for transitions toward a desirable, sustainable, and socially just world requires design practices that consider long-term futures that extend across scalar frameworks from individuals to planetary stewardship. The applied transition design (TD) framework is valuable in understanding the web of the interconnectedness of problems before forming nested and complementary interventions. 



How to Cite
Cowart , A., & Maione, D. (2022). Transitioning Toward the Slow and Long: Developing Experiential Futures Approach Toward System Change in Fashion. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (157).