Iniciativas contra las fake news en Argentina: un estado del área

  • Rocío Flax
Keywords: fake news ; Argentina ; awareness campaigns ; legislation ; bills


The present work results from the question about the strategies that can be carried out to deal with fake news and its possible effectiveness. We start from the fact that documenting or measuring the impact of fake news on politics, economy or health is as complex as evaluating the effectiveness of the measures developed to fight them. However, we believe that a first step lies in knowing the state of the situation. For this reason, in this exploratory research, we describe a set of dimensions to take into account regarding the circulation of fake news while documenting a set of initiatives developed in Latin America and, in particular, in Argentina to reduce its social impact.


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How to Cite
Flax, R. (2022). Iniciativas contra las fake news en Argentina: un estado del área. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (161).