Colaboración Humano-Briófita (CHB): Diseño Open-source de Artefacto Biológicamente Inspirado para la Restauración Ambiental Asistida

  • Antonino Reinoso Bonnefoy
  • Alejandro Durán-Vargas
Keywords: Bioremediation ; Bryophyte ; Sick Building Syndrome ; Open;source ; Biologically Inspired Design


Living in urban ecosystems produces changes in mobility routines that lead us to spend more than 80% of our time in closed spaces. This way of living presents negative externalities associated with environmental pollution caused by the reduction of indoor-outdoor air exchange, increasing the concentration of CO2 and other volatile organic compounds. 


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How to Cite
Reinoso Bonnefoy, A., & Durán-Vargas, A. (2022). Colaboración Humano-Briófita (CHB): Diseño Open-source de Artefacto Biológicamente Inspirado para la Restauración Ambiental Asistida. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (164).