La Industria de la música en Argentina: de la creación al consumo entre tendencias y plataformas

  • Gustavo R. Ameri
Keywords: music ; digital platforms ; music industry ; pandemic


The objective of this exploration is to investigate, describe and understand the current management, development and consumption processes of the Argentine Music Industry; mediated by digital platforms and social networks, framed and influenced by the global, multicultural and diverse context; structured by the logic of the market and technological innovation. In this context, the different elements that make up the symbolic construction that it exerts on consumers, the impact that it generates on creators and the changes in habits that have occurred in audiences going through the enormous transformations that the industry of music has suffered since the creation of the internet a few decades ago but focusing mainly on the present with the emergence of new platforms and technological supports that significantly modified the modes of creation, production and consumption reaching unexpected places with the appearance of the SARS virus -CoV-2 that led to a pandemic, with the enormous consequences that it brought about for the cultural sector as well as in all areas of daily life.


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How to Cite
Ameri, G. R. (2022). La Industria de la música en Argentina: de la creación al consumo entre tendencias y plataformas. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (165).