La construcción del lenguaje eficiente en el diseño de productos. Caso micromovilidad
The design discourse is one of several currently competing for hegemony in a postmodern world. The textual culture on which industrial design participate seeks to generate increasingly sophisticated and emotional objects. On the one hand, abstraction and constant efficiency are sought, and on the other, the sensitization of the senses through the qualitative. The need to aestheticize everything and at the same time to achieve efficiency currently coexist omnipresently. This paper reflects on the construction of the term efficiency today, for which historical events that have been affecting, contributing and consensing its meaning and aesthetic representation in industrial design are related. In this way, it seeks to understand the similarities and differences that have been structuring the efficient language. Specifically, the criteria for the composition and use of micromobility artifacts are mentioned as a case study to understand the role of design in the intertextuality in which it operates.
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