Inka Coyllur, Guardián de las Estrellas. Complejo Astronómico en Mendoza

  • Leandro Gascón
Keywords: phenomenological architecture ; philosophy of architecture ; silence ; architectural Project


Curiosity is a constant need to know, to learn and understand the enigmas that the mind does not understand or does not know. We have no choice but to be curious, because that is the way our brains work. We love to know the answers to things, even if sometimes they do not bring any benefit. It is the engine that moves us and teaches us, and throughout the history of humanity, we have managed to reach the unknown and transform it into a tool in our favor. 


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S.E.A. (2009). 100 conceptos básicos de astronomía. España: INTA.

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Barrow, J. (1996). La trama oculta del universo. Barcelona: Crítica.

Levy, D. (1995). Observar el cielo. Planeta.

Rosenberg, M. (2013). ¿Por qué es importante la Astronomía?, UIA.

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How to Cite
Gascón, L. (2022). Inka Coyllur, Guardián de las Estrellas. Complejo Astronómico en Mendoza. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (167).