Del audiovisual a la realidad y viceversa: mujeres heroicas. Epidemia (Épidémie, 2020), de Yan Lanouette Turgeon

  • Mónica V. F. Gruber
Keywords: Heroin ; Femail image ; Construction ; TV Serie ; Anticipation ; Reality ; Fiction ; Art ; Epidemic ; Fear ; Corruption


In April 2021, the TNT channel premiered the Epidemic tv series(Épidémie, 2020), directed by Yan Lanouette Turgeon. Its argument will never cease to amaze us. In the city of Montreal a virus attacks the population. It manifests itself through flulike symptoms, affecting the respiratory tract.


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How to Cite
F. Gruber, M. V. (2022). Del audiovisual a la realidad y viceversa: mujeres heroicas. Epidemia (Épidémie, 2020), de Yan Lanouette Turgeon. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (170).