La construcción de un banco de imágenes centrado en el usuario

  • Durán Alfaro Verónica
  • Mercado Peña Claudia
  • Jorge Alberto González Arce
Keywords: User ; Image Bank ; Iterative ; Design and Identity


In recent decades, the use of the Internet has caused a technological revolution. More and more users are joining search platforms in an organic and collaborative relationship; this growth has led us to study and understand how the very act of searching in digital archives or repositories interacts, categorizes and builds. Nowadays, Web 4.0 is more intelligent and predictive, which is why it is more attractive to work on the design of a user-centered image bank based on the “Design Thinking” methodology, which will allow us to understand iterative processes, in order to establish the bases of a Bio_network to strengthen the endemic identity of Mexican agavaceae and succulents.


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How to Cite
Verónica, D. A., Claudia, M. P., & González Arce, J. A. (2022). La construcción de un banco de imágenes centrado en el usuario. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (173).